Tuesday 26 November 2013

Start Potty Training Review: Potty Training In 3 Days – Does It Work?

What Can The Start Potty Training Guide Do For You?


  •  A potty training solution that guarantees results;
  • An effective training method that will get your child out of diapers in 3 days.
Those are a couple of the statements you’ll see on the Start Potty Training website.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could achieve potty training in 3 days?
Now the one thing I will say about the Start Potty Training guide is that Carol Cline is thorough.
She’s thought of pretty much every situation and many of the questions I immediately had are covered in her eBook.
From what age to start potty training, when to start potty training, night time potty training, preparing yourself and your child and what equipment you’ll need. They’re all covered.
There’s even sections on the mechanics of the body, how to wipe bums, potty training differences between girls/boys; older children; twins; multiple children and children with diagnosed disorders.
It’s all there in black and white, either in a PDF copy or one you can print out and read away from your computer.
For the potty training to be effective, you need to be able to dedicate three days of your time purely to potty training.
And it really does mean just that. All of your efforts will need to go into training your child over the three days.
So you need to be prepared to give up all your regular activities for three days in a row in order to be successful with the training.
Everything you need to help you along the way is included in the Start Potty Training guide though.
Carol definitely doesn’t hold back on providing helpful ways to get through the difficult times and make the experience easier for everyone concerned.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Potty Training In 3 Days?




  • will help you achieve potty training in 3 days if you apply the method;
  • thorough explanation of the method from start to finish;
  • lots of helpful tips to make the process easier for both you and your child;
  • higher level of attention to your child;
  • cheat sheet video;
  • Carol will personally answer potty training-related questions weekly;
  • helpful motivational reward charts to print off to detail progress;
  • less strain on the budget – won’t have to buy any more diapers!


  • need to devote 3 days solely to potty training;
  • will need to tweak the method according to your child;
  • accidents will happen and you must remain positive and calm;
  • you may face some resistance from your child if you leave potty training too late;
  • need to put in some work for it to be successful;
  • going back to diapers if the going gets rough will cause confusion – patience is required!
The pros really do outweigh the cons because there really are no cons for your child.
While there may be bumps in the road, being potty trained will encourage your son or daughter’s autonomy and independence.
It may also have a knock-on effect on other aspects of their development.

Who Will Get The Most Out Of The Start Potty Training Guide?



Well, I was sceptical about being able to potty train my daughter in 3 days.Start Potty Training
But, I can honestly say that by day 3, when I was about ready to tear my hair out, my daughter suddenly had a eureka moment and began to understand what the potty was for.
It did take another few days for her to really get it but I was so proud of her and what she’d accomplished.
We do still have a few accidents every now and again when she’s concentrating on other things but that’s to be expected.
I know that my daughter understood the basics of potty training by day 3 and it was only by devoting that time and effort that we she achieved it.
And the best thing? No dirty diapers and more money in my pocket (at least for a little while)!

Should You Buy The Start Potty Training Guide?

All the information in the world won’t help if you’re not prepared to put in some effort and devote time to potty training.
The Start Potty Training Guide is written for parents who want to take action. It’s written for those who aren’t going to waste weeks watching videos and reading hundreds of books on potty training.
Instead, you get a seriously thorough guide for understanding how to achieve potty training in 3 days.
I recommend the Start Potty Training guide because it worked for me and could work for you. It’s also flexible enough to fit every child and every person’s situation.
Not only will your child be more independent, but you’ll no longer have to change dirty diapers either!
Carol Cline gives a huge amount of guidance and support in an eBook that you can really use.
So that’s my review of the Start Potty Training Guide.
Want to know more?


Watch this video for more information   Click Here